links for 2009-02-12
posted: 12 February, 2009
Upcoming film 'The Age of Stupid' looks good (and Pete Postlethwaite is always great).
New hip publisher; looks cool, worth checking out.
The goals of this course are two-fold. First, we hope to understand The Wire in the context of its medium: how does it fit within and go beyond the norms of television? What makes it distinct from other media? Second, we will examine the shows portrayal of urban America as a window into a number of social problems and conditions distinct to contemporary society, including the drug war, the underclass, urban policies and development, post-industrial cities, political corruption, urban education, and mass media coverage. How does The Wire get us to understand, and to feel, these conditions in a novel and affecting way? And where does it leave us, in terms of the potential for solving these social ills?
NY Mag feature on Demetri Martin, who has a new show starting tonight. Hopefully it will be as great as 'If I' was.
This is such an impressive bit of geekery; I wish I liked the Beastie Boys even slightly, so then I could apprciate this.
This Recording on Father Yod and other cults' aesthetics.
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links for 2009-02-10
10 February 2009
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links for 2009-02-13
13 February 2009