Temporary/Biathlon presentation in Riga 27.7.2016
My main project this year has been working with my colleague Agnieszka Pokrywka on the creation of a new toolkit for enabling participatory, trans-disciplinary culture environments. The toolkit, called Biathlon, will be tested out in a physical project space called Temporary, which we will open in Helsinki in September. Agnieszka and I have been supported throughout the year by the Kone...
Report from Kompass - day 2
Friday was the main day of Kompass, which I felt was a modest event, organised around an afternoon un-conference format. Unfortunately, the turnout was much lower than I had hoped - we had ten people who remained from Thursday night, and only one ethnic Estonian. This isn't necessarily an impediment to productivity - a smaller group means a more intimate experience and can often be better...
Report from Kompass - day 1

Last night was the opening night of Kompass, a small unconference-based event organised by myself and Kaspars Lielgalvis (Totaldobze Art Centre, Riga). Kompass is designed to unite Estonian and Latvian culture organisers, artists, urbanists, and activists into a networking and brainstorming event, built around the topic of 'public space'. The Kompass project has been an ongoing series...
Riga durational dialogues #4 and 5: Love Enqvist and Jonas Büchel

The last two interviews are combined into one file, and unfortunately we were limited by time and couldn't keep going. Love Enqvist is a Stockholm-based artist who was coming to Talinn to lead the Diggers and Dreamers workshop, and was willing to come to Riga a bit early to participate in this project. Our conversation began from his work researching intentional communities, and began with...
Riga durational dialogues #3: Mindaugas Gapševičius

I found Miga's interview to be one of the more difficult elements of the day. To be honest, I'm intimidated by his intelligence, and his thoughtful, careful way of speaking should be a lesson to me. I don't know Miga well but he'll be coming to Ptarmigan Tallinn in January and February 2013 on residency, where we'll be working together on our (Il)legal Aesthetics programme....
Riga durational dialogues #2: Maija Rudovska

This was maybe my favourite conversation of the programme, as I felt Maija and I started to tap into something personal, universal, and honest. Unfortunately the fidelity takes a hit as the crowd became a bit busier and the background noise makes this a bit difficult to hear.
The Little Dipper part 2: Maija Rudovska
Maija Rudovska is a curator, researcher, and art historian based in Riga. She...
Riga durational dialogues #1: Introduction and Lars Cuzner

I belong to a new group of curators and artists called Blind Carbon Copy (BCC), and we recently held our first event, Curators Go to the Bar, at the KIM? contemporary art space in Riga, Latvia.
My contribution to this event was hosting a 3-hour talk show, interviewing other artists and creatives in attendance. This is a test run of the Constellations project that Ptarmigan will be...